Ensuring Continued Secret Clearance: Reinvestigation Guidelines

Periodic Reinvestigation for Continued Secret Clearance Eligibility

In the realm of national security, maintaining the integrity of classified information is paramount. One way to achieve this is through the process of periodic reinvestigation. For those holding a secret clearance, it’s essential to understand the necessity and frequency of these reviews. They ensure that individuals remain reliable and trustworthy over time.

Understanding Secret Clearance

A secret clearance is a level of security clearance granted to personnel who require access to classified information. This level is typically more demanding than a confidential clearance but less stringent than a top-secret clearance. Individuals with this clearance might handle information that could potentially cause serious damage to national security if disclosed.

The Role of Periodic Reinvestigation

Unlike the initial background investigation, periodic reinvestigations aim to determine continued eligibility for access to classified information. These assessments help identify any changes in an individual’s circumstances that could affect their trustworthiness. By doing so, agencies can mitigate risks associated with unauthorized disclosures.

Frequency of Reinvestigation

For secret clearance holders, periodic reinvestigation is required every 10 years. This timeframe can vary based on the issuing agency’s policies or specific circumstances. In certain situations, a reinvestigation might be conducted earlier if there are red flags or other concerns about an individual’s behavior or lifestyle.

Scope of the Reinvestigation

The periodic reinvestigation process is comprehensive. It typically includes the following elements:

  • Background Check: Similar to the initial clearance process, a detailed background investigation is conducted. This involves verifying personal, education, employment, and financial history.
  • Interviews: Both the individual holding the clearance and people in their close circle, such as family, friends, coworkers, and supervisors, may be interviewed.
  • Credit Check: An assessment of financial stability is performed to identify any issues that might make the individual susceptible to coercion or exploitation.
  • Criminal Records Check: A review of any criminal history to determine if there have been any legal issues since the last investigation.
  • Foreign Contacts and Activities: Examination of any interactions with foreign nationals and travel to foreign countries.

Criteria for Evaluation

During the reinvestigation, evaluators look at various factors that could influence eligibility. The elements assessed often include:

  • Loyalty to the United States: Ensuring there are no conflicts of interest or divided loyalties.
  • Character and Trustworthiness: A continued demonstration of reliability and adherence to ethical standards.
  • Financial Responsibility: Ensuring financial stability to reduce the risk of susceptibility to bribery or corruption.
  • Personal Conduct: Evaluating overall behavior and actions to verify no recurring issues or serious misconduct.
  • Handling of Classified Information: Reviewing compliance with security regulations and policies regarding the handling of classified materials.

Potential Outcomes of Reinvestigation

The findings from the periodic reinvestigation can lead to several outcomes:

  • Continued Eligibility: The individual retains their secret clearance without restrictions.
  • Additional Scrutiny: In some instances, more information or additional checks might be required.
  • Denial or Revocation: If serious issues are uncovered, the clearance may be denied, or an existing one could be revoked.

Preparing for Reinvestigation

Individuals can prepare for their periodic reinvestigation by keeping detailed personal records. Maintaining a clean financial and personal history helps. It’s also useful to remain aware of any foreign contacts or activities that might need to be reported. Being proactive about disclosing changes in personal circumstances can ease the process.

Implications of Non-Compliance

Failing to undergo periodic reinvestigation can lead to the suspension or revocation of clearance. In critical job roles, this can impact career prospects, leading to job loss or reassignment. Regular and thorough compliance with reinvestigation requirements is essential to avoid these pitfalls.


Periodic reinvestigations are a vital part of the security clearance lifecycle. They ensure that individuals trusted with classified information maintain the necessary standards of trust and reliability. Understanding the process, criteria, and potential outcomes of these investigations is essential for anyone holding or aspiring to hold a secret clearance.


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